Elements Of Communication


Five key elements of effective communication are; purpose, tone,audience, content, and style. Purpose is sel f explanatory, why themessage is being sent. Tone reflects negative, positive, orinformative content, and should reflect the audience. Audiencemeans know who the message is for, friend or business.

Content iswhat the message is about and should also reflect the audience,e.g. If speaking before a group of astronomers one would not haveto explain lightyears, but could do so for a group of fifthgraders. Out there outfitters. Style, again reflects the audience, professional lookingfor a business setting with light colored backgrounds (if visualaids are being used).

Sep 16, 2012  Elements of Communication Communication is one of the most important factors for the existence of our society today. The importance of effective communication is immeasurable in the world of business and in personal life. Denis McQuail is one of the most influential scholars in the field of mass communication studies says “ Communication is the sending of meaningful messages.