Return Of The Obra Dinn Hints


Video guides of this walkthrough are fine as long as I am credited in the video and the guide linked!Please note that this is an investigation mystery game. This walkthrough will absolutely ruin the game for you, because you'll just be setting everything up and unlocking all trophies around the end of the game. I recommend trying it blind first, then trying the walkthrough on a fresh save when you're ready to get the platinum.There's a map in the journal you receive early in the game. To open it, press, press to get to the table of contents (if needed) and choose The Ship. Press to bring up a larger version of the map you can scroll on.A lot of this game is on timers. So if you get done with a section of this walkthrough quickly, you may need to wait around a bit for doors to open or prompts to appear.Because there's a ton of back and forth between areas of the ship, I have only differentiated between modern day and flashbacks during this walkthrough. Most of the time you'll be led directly to where you need to be, anyways, as the game is fairly linear.

Return of the Obra Dinn is a 3D, two-color, first-person mystery game developed by Lucas Pope, the developer of Papers, Please. Dubbed as an insurance adventure with minimal color on its website, the game is set on an East Indian merchant ship the Obra Dinn lost at sea in 1803, with an art style inspired by old Mac games.

Climb onto the shipTurn left and walk towards the wheel and skeletonWalk around the ship until the man says “Hoy! It's too heavy!”Go back onto the rowboatInteract with the crate to get the journalHit R2 to get to the contents page – flip through if you want, but select Back Cover if you just want to move onPress to close journalAutomatically get watchGo back onto the ship and approach the skeletonWhen the pocketwatch is out, pressFlashbackWalk up to the man in front of you (with the gun)Hold L2 and look at him, moving yourself/the camera until a picture comes up behind him. Make sure the whole picture spawns in – the “aura” surrounding each man will completely disappear.From this point on, I will call this process “scanning”.

While scanning, the screen will often go dark and some stuff may be written in your journal. Just let it happen; once it's over, you'll be able to pick up where you left off.Turn around and go outside to the main deckWait for the black door to open and go through itFrom now on I will call these “exit door”s. Unless I say otherwise, for all of these flashbacks, you just need to make your way to the exit door – you don't have to scan any people. These doors are often on timers, so just wait until the door unlocks (usually something will be filled in in your journal first).Walk past the skeleton and into the captain's quartersThere are two skeletons in here – use the watch on each. You will need to go through the exit door after using the watch on each skeleton.Stand in front of the couch/overturned table and put them to your back.

Load one of the save files and open the journalTurn to Page 3 (The Crew) and select the crew and passenger manifestNotice that each passenger has been assigned a number, 1-60. Everything is filled in except the Fate columnWhenever you select an empty fate slot, it will ask you to identify that person in the pictureOnce you've clicked the person, you'll see a few tutorials that you can just ignore because I'm just going to tell you the answers. But for each person, you'll need to name them, provide their cause of death (if applicable) and who killed them (if applicable). There are 60 fates in total; you will only be able to solve 58 of them while still on the ship.

You will solve the final 2 after getting off the ship.If you'd rather, you can also solve these fates by selecting the person directly off of the pictures on Page 4. Your choice.I have numbered these people according to their number on the crew and passenger manifest.

The objectives are clear so with ample patience, dexterity and stubbornness you can overcome all of the challenges.Throughout each level you’ll find 100 gems on your path. Combined with the bonus stages hidden in each level there’s a lot of replayability here.The Super Challenge levels are definitely aimed at those that have beaten the original games’ challenges. These are doubly useful as not only are they a collectable for the completionists, but they also grant you access to additional powers to help you in your battle against the Mudd invasion. Mutant mudds collection switch. But let’s make something very clear, the game isn’t unfair.

Return Of The Obra Dinn Hints

Their names and fates are listed below:1) Robert Witterel (Captain) – suicide with gun2) William Horscut (First Mate) – shot with gun – by (1) Robert Witterel3) Edward Nichols (Second Mate) – shot with gun – by (25) Chioh Tan4) Martin Perrot (Third Mate) – spiked – by beast ((NOTE: CANNOT log this until after leaving ship!!