Bomb Meaning In Hindi

English to Hindi & English Online Dictionary. Search all Hindi words & phrases Online Shabdkosh अंग्रेजी - हिन्दी ऑनलाइन शब्दकोश । a-bomb - एटमी बम; परमाणु बम; atom bomb; A-bomb. Hindi meaning of A-bomb a-bomb /noun/ एटमी बम.

Sindhi is an Indo Aryan language which is spoken in the southeastern Pakistan, the Sindh province. Microsoft pinball arcade free. It is a historical language which hasevolved from the early times of history. It was the first language in whichQuraan was translated to. The translation was made possible by Abdullah bin Umarbin Abdul Aziz on a request of a Hindu Raja Mehruk in 884 CESindhi has words from many languages in Europe Asia and MiddleEast. For example the word for farmer is derived from the word Aratro of Latinsimilarly word Harvest is derived from the word Hari (Farmer) of Sindhi. WordDay of English has relation to the word Deo (Lamp) same word (Deo) is alsoreferred to as god in LatinAmong other influences Sindhi has words from Pali, Arabic,Sanskirit (Although it is proven that actually Sanskirit was it self stemmedfrom Sindhi).

This section provides few words of Sindhi to get a littleknowledge of the language for general traveler. EnglishSindhiHelloAssalam O AlaikumGoodbyeAllah WahiGood morningSubho BakhairGood afternoonAssalam o AlaikumGood eveningSham Jo SalamYesHaNoNaPleaseMehrbaniThanksMeharbaniExcuse me (to get past)Maaf Kajo Rasto DijoExcuse me (to get information)Maaf KajoMy name is.Muhenjo Nalo. AaheWhat is your name?Awhaan jo nalo chha aahe?Pleased to meet youAwhaan saan mili Khushi ThiHow much does this cost?Hi ketre jo aahe (Hin je keemat chha aahe?Can you help me please?chha Awhan muhenji madad kanda?I am trying to learn Sindhi (Male)Maan sindhi sikhan ji koshis kare rahyo aahyan?I am trying to learn Urdu (Femeale)Maan sindhi sikhan ji koshis kare rahi aahyan?SorryMaaf KajoWhat HappenedChha thiyoWhere are you goingAwhaan kithey piya wanjoI am going to.(Male)Aaoon. Wanjan piyoI am going to.(Female)Aaoon.