7 Mages Guide

7 Mages Game Play overview. Similar to Old school games - Might and magic http://store.steampowered.com/app/446590/. Mage DPS Overview. Mages are, arguably, the best ranged DPS class in WoW Classic. Sporting impressive PvE DPS from the start, due to strong talents such as Elemental Precision, Mages are also full of tricks, such as Polymorph, Blink and Ice Block, which are useful in PvE and unrivaled for PvP, when in the hands of a master.

Updated: Antorus Tier, 5th May 2018Welcome to the Fire Mage omega guide going into patch 7.2.5, Legion. This written guide aims to compliment the video guides linked at the top of each section for those with loss of hearing or those who simply prefer a text medium.

I plan to keep it updated through-out ToS with any new findings and to include multiple other topics in the future (a list can be found below). If you have any suggestions on specific topics or feedback on the guide, feel free to let me know.I would like to thank the users Zulandia for the feedback on this guide and Heterodox for the on going work with fire mage sims, both of which made this guide (and the fire mage community as a whole) as good as it is today.LinksCompleted TopicsPlanned TopicsLegendaries ExplainedHow to: 'Raid'UIFrequently Asked Questions. OutdatedIntroThis is an introduction to the basics of the fire mage and what you really need to know to get started. We'll overview all the things we consider before stepping into a raid such as which races are the best and which enchants to use.RacesFor horde, troll is the best race.

' adds more GCDs into the windows allowing for higher burst potential. On a 3 minute cd, it is worth saving every second to line up with.For alliance, dwarf is the best race. Is obviously quite a boost when a spec is designed around critical striking.These numbers will vary depending on legendaries/gear you have. For example, if you get multiple procs and procs during, the extra haste from is going to be far more beneficial than the damagefrom (undead racial).For mythic plus content, Blood elf is by far the best as the aoe silence is ridiculously strong but has no real use in raidingIf you are not picking Troll or Dwarf to min/max, then it doesn't really matter what race you go, just pick the one you think looks the best.Artifact PathThe order you want to get your base artifact traits are:Once you have completed all of your, you will unlock the new traits which were introduced in 7.2. 'So, how exactly do you play fire mage.' Fire relies on landing 2 (non-periodic) critical strikes in a row to gain the Buff which in turn enables our hardest hitting abilities to become instant cast and to contribute double the amount of our. To aid us in landing those important crits, our skill set is complimented with passives which increase our crit chance and spells which have 100% crit chance.

This is to alleviate some of the older issues fire mages used to run into where it was only possible to play the spec at all at the ends of expansions due to finally being able to get enough crit from gear itself.Let's have a closer look at what exactly these spells and passives do to help us.Spells and PassivesPassivesThe first passive is. Increases our crit chance by a base 15% and increases the amount of crit chance we get from all sources by 10%. This means the lowest possible amount of crit strike a fire mage can have is 20% since every spec also has a base 5%.

Interestingly, we also have a base 6% mastery. This passive is not something you need to track or care about but is important to know nonetheless.The second passive we have is.

Every time your doesn't crit, it gain a stacking 10% increased chance to crit. This effect lasts until your finally crits and acts as a kind of bad luck protection. It is important to note that you can track this buff to know when you next will be a guaranteed crit which gives you more preparation time when considering your next spell.ActivesThe first active spell is called which is instant cast, has no travel time, is off the GCD AND can be cast while another spell is casting stacking up to 2 times, 3 with the talent. This is what makes fire mage unique among it's spell caster counterparts and also what makes the play style very fast paced putting heavy emphasis on reaction times, decision making and future planning.The 2nd spell in the arsenal is our artifact ability, which is instant cast and always critically strikes however, unlike, does have travel time, is on the GCD and cannot be cast during another cast. It also stacks up to 3 times however has a much longer recharge rate at 45 seconds. The golden trait has a random chance per tick to reduce the cooldown by 10 seconds.The most important part of fire mage is understanding and mastering the Mechanic which comes in 2 parts.

And -Getting two direct-damage critical strikes in a row will make your next or spell instant cast, and cause double the normal damage.appears as a buff when you score 1 critical hit on your target. If you score another critical hit within 10 seconds (directly after the first), this buff turns into which lasts for 15 seconds. We then use this buff to fire off 1 of 2 hard hitting finisher abilities. However, if you do not score 2 critical hits in a row, you lose the buff and have to restart the process.There are 6 builder spells which contribute to generation:. (with the talent)And only 2 finisher spells which can be used to spend your:. 1.2.So, the question is. 'But what about all this time spent waiting for fireball to hit the target and give me a heating up proc?' Instead of waiting, we are going to continue casting and then as soon as we get a proc, to then launch the at the same time as the finishes casting.This is what’s called the - chaining mechanic.Since both spells hit the boss at roughly the same time, it is possible, if they both crit, to reactivate instantly without the need to, simply casting into over and over. While we cannot get enough crit rating to reliably game this mechanic, you can test it if you get a proc and then pop and - repeatable until pop runs out.(note.

Not something you would do in an actual scenario, purely for testing). 'What happens if the first spell crits and the second one does not even though they hit the boss at the same time? Will I gain heating up and then instantly lose it?' Blizzard added an undocumented mechanic which essentially saves your proc from disappearing if the two spells hit within a very short time frame of each other (roughly 0.2sec).

When this happens, you should cast during your current cast to resume the chain.Nighthold 2set alterationDue to the Nighthold 2 set bonus giving 30% increased crit chance for to crit up from 10%, it is much easier to predict when your next with be a guaranteed crit. If you have at least 40% crit chance, the maximum number of s you will cast in a row is 3 with the last one always critting. With this knowledge, we are able to cast before the has even reach the target meaning the grants us with the proccing (backwards). The only gameplay benefit to this is we get fireblast’s cooldown rolling a bit faster but the real strength comes from turning an element of rng into something we can control and prepare for, something very undervalued. The reduction in rng and an extra second or 2 of future planning time is what makes the 2piece t19 very strong and in general makes the rotation much more fluid and more importantly controlled.

The less rng the better.One very important thing to is to never cancel your current cast to get your out sooner. This is a straight up dps loss and also breaks the - chaining rhythm. The only exceptions would be if you have to move or a target is going to die before your reaches it.Scorch RotationThe same rotation can be used by replacing with.

Can be cast while moving but does very little damage and has no bad luck protection like does in. If you are using koralons burning touch and the boss is 30% or below, replaces in the standard rotation. However hits the boss near instantly so while it is technically possible to - chain, it is much harder and less reliably to achieve since it is too dependent on how fast you can queue your abilities and your ping to the server etc. Therefore, casting a - rotation is preferred while filling in whenever possible.Flamestrike Rotationis our aoe finisher which uses a targeting reticle to aim the ability. The rotation cannot benefit from a 2 spell chaining combo because doesn’t contribute to generation. This means once you have a proc and you are already casting your next /, you can only generate a proc and not the full on.

If I liked it enough to write a review - 10. It's not necessary and Brooks' books simply don't have it. My rating system is simple if I was entertained and want to see more then it at least gets a 7. I can watch it with my teenagers then it gets an 8. The shannara chronicles season 2. I hope MTV keeps sex out of it (there's some near-nudity in the first 2 episodes that could have been skipped).

This leads to unavoidable munching which is usually offset with the use of which we will cover later on.TL:DR. 1.Spam /2.Hit during the cast as soon as appears3.Cast /Combustion RotationsBefore we start looking into the various rotations, let’s first understand the theory behind.increases our crit chance by 100% and grants mastery equal to 50% of our critical strike stat. If we have 10000 crit rating, 5000 of that will be added to our mastery rating.The main goal of every is to fit as many hard-hitting abilities into the 10 sec (14 sec with pre-ignition trait) window as possible. Since is our overall hardest hitting ability, we want to proc as many times as we can. And are instant cast and both contribute to generation making it essentially to save up as many stacks as possible going into each. Weaving these spells together alongside - chaining guarantees the maximum number of per. If you are to run out of instant cast spells, casting has been proven to be a dps gain over provided you do not lose a proc over the duration.

It is relatively hard timing to judge so think of it more like 'I've used up all my instant casts and have 3-4 seconds left on. Can I fit in 2 if I use scorch? If not, i'll use +. Losing a is the biggest dps loss. ST Build + Runeis picked on mainly Single Target fights or fights where adds are of little importance. And both gain 100% crit chance while the target is above 90% health making it a waste to use since that also gives us 100% crit chance. Instead, we delay until after 90% giving us a mini before our actually one.

A really great thing about this opener is that the have a high chance to proc due to the amount of generation we can achieve during the first 10% of the boss fight. We can then open the rotation with a hard cast to generate very large.should be used once on the opener and then once as the boss drops below 90% hp. You should follow up with an instant combustion into the instant cast rotation. The only exception is when you have a proc: dropping your rune, hardcasting the Pyro and then combusting is more dps increase even though it may feel like you waste a lot of rune uptime (the pyro damage makes up for it).There are multiple ways you can open with depending on how long the boss stays above 90%. You still want to have as many instant casts available during your first as possible but also not be sat on max stacks for extensive periods of time since it’s a waste to not have them recharging during that time. This also applies to but only to the extent where you would gain 1 extra charge in the entire fight.The rules of the Firestarter opener are:. 1.Float 1 charge2.Float 1 charge but aim to have 3 stacks going into3.Use during unless Target HP 90% for a longer period of time (star augur).

Otherwise, use asap and on cd.4.Combust the first cast which will land on the target where the Target HP. Mainly ST with some addsThe next 2 builds use the talent.is used when there are enough adds in the encounter for flare up to make a significant impact.

Surprisingly, the dot itself does very little damage while flare up does exponentially more damage the more mobs there are to AoE (similar to ). Let’s first look at a ST build followed by an AoE one.When not using, you can open with the rotation as soon as the fight starts. The main difference is you want to specifically cast and then while combusting before the graphic appears on screen. Snapshots to when the graphic appears in the sky and not when it lands on the ground (Explain what snapshot means in text here). This means you lose a few 10ths of a second in but guarantee that your will 100% crit. Some people prefer to use later into to guarantee 5 stacks of pyretic incantation but I personally prefer the before method since it allows us to fit in 1 more. Chronomatic anomaly is a good example of when you could use this build.Here are the 2 openers, the first when your precast crit and the 2nd when it did not.

Variety buildThis build emphasizes the cleave from with the added 40% damage of and is the go to m+ build. Typically, this build is taken when there are a lot of burst AoE opportunities as is usually accompanied by either. It also provides quite competitive ST which makes it a much more versatile build than the others.There are multiple ways to use your depending on the type of encounter you are up against. ST, Priority target and AoE.ST and Priority Target rotation are actually exactly the same.

The idea of priority target is to kill one target as fast as possible while still applying damage to the other mobs around it. This means that procs are used for and the main source of AoE damage comes from building a large on one target and spreading it to all other targets in the area.

An example of when you would want to do a rotation like this is on the packs in Halls of Valor which contain a thundercaller and 1 – 2 other mobs. The thundercallers need to die very quickly as their lightning strikes on random party members combined with their aoe stuns can very easily overwhelm the group. The other mobs are less important but still need to be aoe’d down at a reasonable rate to keep on track with the timer. The new talent strafing run also passively aids in aoe’ing without taking focus off of the priority target.Again, here are the 2 openers, the first when your precast crits and the 2nd when it does not.The pure aoe rotation focuses more on and using for instead of. This build focuses more on the raw throughput of these spells and less on spreading big.

You may use this rotation when it doesn’t really matter which mob dies first or the mobs do not last long enough for to tick enough times (scorpyron is a great example of this).Since doesn’t contribute to generation, the rotation utilizes, and to gain and is therefore slower than a rotation.Here is how you would go about the rotation. Mobility BuildA newer and more controversial build relative to the others, the / build focuses on trading burst damage for more sustained, smoother damage output through-out an entire fight. It provides great aoe potentially while not suffering from any of the downsides of (being locked to a specific spot and only lasting 10 seconds) and synergizes well with the pulling cooldown down to roughly 1minute, half of its normal cd.The build shines when there is a good mix of intermittent aoe, priority target and ST combined or when you can line up with a specific timing throughout the course of a fight. A good place to use this build would be in Mythic Gul’dan which combines all the above points into one fight. There are multiple types of adds to deal with including burst aoe and priority target while also focusing on the boss itself (ST). You also need to move around a lot so may find too restrictive.However, there are multiple issues with this build:.

1. Is only affected by,. You start losing value whenever there is burst aoe and you start flamestriking.2.While you gain more during a fight, they are much weaker than an or build since you typically will only have 2 per instead of 3.3.

Is unpredictable. A string of bad luck can result in very few crit’s delaying your significantly and possibly even missing the window you are trying to push for.4.Anti-synergy between, and the 2 set tier 19 bonus. Is more valuable the more you crit you have so you presumably want to put on more crit gear while the 3 previously mentioned items devalue crit because:a. Gives you 100% crit chance so any additional crit is wastedb. Gives a 100% crit chance below 30%c.The tier 19 set bonus makes grant 20% additional crit chance per stack (more free crit)5.

Have to replace the belt in the 2 legendary equipped requirement and using the gloves means you cannot use the NH 2 set along with the ToS 4 set.+ however are excellent in super high fortified m+ where the mobs last long enough to combust the start of almost every pack. Combining the priority target nature of super high keys with the burst potential of and huge during makes this an excellent and engaging build to play.Taking and means trading 2 active spells for 2 passives.

This makes the rotation the most basic one out of them all only using,. Burst AoEHelm + are only used in multi target encounters or when there is a huge amount of adds which require bursting very quickly (the majority of m+ and Krosus for example). Taking means you lose 1 charge of and the cooldown of is 8 seconds up from 6 (before haste). Since makes contribute to generation, consider Helm an extension of as they are used in exactly the same way. Aim to use on CD.ConclusionThat concludes this video on the fire mage rotations and hopefully informed you more about why certain builds are used in every situation. I will talk more about the pros and cons of certain talents in separate video for both raiding and m+ to avoid making this one even longer.

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Make any sense at all? If you have any feedback/suggestions then hit me up in the comments below as I’m always looking to improve my instructional videos to help as many of you as possible. Thanks very much for watching, hit that subscribe button and I’ll see you guys next one. LinksIntroMythic+ Dungeons are WoW's small group content which combines speed, precision, awareness and prowess for a fast and fun tm experience. With an infinite scaling system, there is literally something for everyone whether you collect mounts of world first raid content.This guide is aimed directly at how to play Fire mage in 5 man content.

Your priorities are vastly different than raiding however the playstyle/rotations are all the same. Therefore, I will presume you have read the above guide on rotations and have a basic understanding of how the spec works overall.You may be thinking, 'Gee, this looks awfully like Herux's m+ guide, you are a copy cat bad man, make your own content!!' That's because I copied the layout exactly for the sake of continuity and time save with one minor difference, it's based on the FIRE MAGE so is infinity better am I right? Team?In all seriousness, a big thanks to Herux for not only giving me his m+ guide template, but for taking the time to share his knowledge of m+ from a frost perspective. Always great to see others getting involved in the community.Why should I trust you?You may wonder, who is this Ezekielyo guy after all? I was previously the highest ranking m+ mage in both 7.2 and 7.2.5 as FIRE and part of the rank 1 team getting a few world first high keys along the way.TalentsThere are multiple builds used in m+ based on the user preference and affixes in play.

Unlike in raiding, almost every talent is viable which really speaks for how well blizz designed fire this time around. I will be focusing on what I think are the most powerful talents in terms of dps, utilty and general play-ability.Tier 15:is very random when it procs leading to munching and general bad gameplay situations both of which we want to avoid as much as possible.is the only choice in this tier due to the other 2 simply not having much affect in any level of key. The aoe damage can quickly ramp up especially if you are pulling huge amounts of mobs and is generally very strong in AoE.Even on very high, doesn't provide enough damage to compensate from the loss of damage on trash throughout the whole run.Tier 30:Incredible mobility and utility.

Castable while casting means dodging boss abilities is super easy while maintaining dps.The other 2 options also completely suck. So there's that.Tier 45: /is the go to talent due to it's highest dps output. Since our spec is based on burst windows, rune gives us the biggest damage output in the shortest amount of time which is exactly what we want when killing packs of mobs. However, because it locks you to the radius of the spell, it is not uncommon for you to have to run out of it with any number of debuffs, essentially wasting the entire charge. It also requires impeccable dungeon knowledge to really get the most out of and losing uptime can really feel very detrimental. The spec also does very little damage during down times between and and can leave some packs feeling very sluggish.Since the release of Antorus and the new trinkets, and the new T21 set, falls too far behind to consider worth tanking anymore.Tier 60: /offers insane aoe burst damage when paired with for a trade off in less boss damage.

However, due to the increasing necessity to interrupt in higher keys, isn't used on cooldown and instead saved to be used in the interrupt rotation. This devalues the power of and can very easily lead to munching the it also gives. Highly recommended for lower keys both and if you have, otherwise stick to.offers more procs throughout the whole dungeon. This leads to more boss damage and more sustained aoe due to the cooldown of being lower. I use this 100% of the time in high keys as it is common to sit on for a very long time. I still use as the extra range is still very beneficial, even though it is not 100% guaranteed crit chance.is too random, similar to. Never used.Tier 75: / /is the general go to for more kite potential and being a passive, requiring no additional thought.

Use in 95% of cases.has some very niche uses. Any mob that jumps to you to do damage can be negated with a well timed ring. Think wolves in HoV, cats in DHT and cats in CoS. Incredibly useful in high keys, not really worth while in lower ones.could see some play on weeks to help your tank reset his stacks.

Not really useful any other time.Tier 90: /does more damage the more mobs there are due to the spread mechanic. This makes it very strong in lower keys and dungeons with very large packs which die very quickly. Requires no management outside of picking the right target to get the maximum spreadage. Taken when Priority Target is needed most due to lack of flamestriking.provides the highest AoE dps output we can achieve however is limited by the mobs moving out of the patches. In certain builds, it also becomes worthwhile to swap fireball spam with hardcast flamestrike spamming. Yes, you read the right, hardcast flamestriking., like is a pure ST talent and is never used.Tier 100: / /is my go to choice in this tier.

Lower cooldowns means more burst windows. Since m+ is all about bursting packs of mobs, combined with can lead to being available almost every pack. Very strong and my go to choice.does the most aoe damage provided you can hit the cinders. The curved nature of the skillshot and the fact that it can pull mobs which are out of combat make it very hard and frustrating to use. Not advisable unless you are very good at using it or simply want your team to rage at you a lot.is a solid choice as it adds more boss damage. Can be used if your team lacks ST damage or you can't get decent timings with. Combined with can leave very powerful dots ticking on the floor.

Pray your tanks not got twitchy wasd fingers!BuildsThere are 2 main builds I consider using every time I am flying to a dungeon.The Tactical Nuke Build,This build focuses on bursting into one Priority target via spending procs on and spreading huge to all targets in the area. Combined with, the build excels at the mixture of both ST and Aoe (PT). An example of where this build shines is when you encounter in Halls of Valor. These mobs have to be bursted very quickly due to their ability targeting a random party member for veyr high amounts of damage. The aim of the game is to kill them as fast as possible before you run out of interupts and you are overwelmed by the damage.The Carpet Bombing Build,The highest potential dps focusing on consistant, mass aoe spending all procs on to generate as many as possible. Since your damage is spread amoung all targets you hit with, this is a very even dps build and excels at killing everything at the same time. However, it requires mobs to remain inside the flamepatch for any of the damage to apply.

Mobs suchs as have learnt that standing in fire is bad gameplay and end up backflipping out of the pack therefore ignoring all of your built up flamepatch damage. Communication with your tank is also key to make sure they are not constantly moving the mobs out of your damage.Read to understand when to take vs.'

But I don't care about all these words and shit, do I use or?' Use so you can top the total damage done meter. Go get 'em champ.GearingStat Priority. SIM YOURSELF SIM YOURSELF SIM YOURSELF SIM YOURSELF SIM YOURSELF SIM YOURSELF SIM YOURSELFUsing the right set of gear for each specific situation is key to maximizing your output throughout the whole dungeon.

This makes gear swapping an integral part of every m+ dungeon you run and is necessary if you want to be as effective as possible. Regardless of which build you run, there are 2 things you will be killing in any given dungeon:. Bosses. TrashBossesMost bosses are ST and thus very similar to raids. Please see the for updated ST stat weightsConsider using 1 target, 2min settings when simming for dungeon bosses.TrashThe Tactical Nuke Build focuses on to spread the damage around to other targets.

Therefore, Mastery is the highest priority stat when aoeing in this build. Here are my current stats and stat weights:Consider using 4 target, 1min settings when simming for trash.The Carpet Bombing Build focuses on Haste as it's primary stat to pump out as many s as possible via faster GCD's and fast hardcast s. Yes, you read that correct, hardcasting on 4+ targets is a dps gain. Again, my stats in my gear and approriate stat weights:Credit to GlynnyLegendariesST LegendariesThe best ST setup for bosses currently is +.There are specific bosses where you may want to use in place of to push combustion timings (Ularogg Cragshaper in Neltharion's Lair) but they are few and far between.Another legendary you will swap to frequently is, allowing you to lust while the rest of the group has the debuff. Combined with, you can lust possible 2 - 3 times more than the rest of your group.

It is generally always prefer to wear whenever you want to lust a boss twice or if you want to lust a considerably harder pack after a boss. Consider your lust timings every time you start a dungeon.AoE LegendariesMy personal favourite setup is +. The extra range provides is a great QoL change along side the great damage potential while synergizes well with for very low cooldown (roughly 1min).does a lot of AoE damage if you are pulling big packs and can be combined with for incredible burst damage.can be combined with to bring some unexpected amounts of burst with. Big trash pulls where you means you have enough haste to fit in 3 s during 1 provided you proc with a before hand.

Think, first pull in Maw of Souls, give it a go next timeis also an option on trash especially during and when using. The sheer amount of patchs you can keep rolling is a lot of damage.Defensive LegendariesIf you're not going to be pushing keys past a 15 don't worry about this section.The best defensive legendary you could possibly use is. Paired with I have roughly 1.7mil absorb shield which is enough to survive almost all targetted mechanics.is just as strong giving me a 1.2mil shield every blink. Although in most situations where a defensive legendary is needed, is a better option due to being passive and not taking up a tier slot.The mega combination of + + gives me almost 8mil effective hp making us one of the only classes which can deal with incredibly high Tyrannical keys.TrinketsST TrinketsSimilar to raiding, the ST trinkets do not change.

One important thing to note is, it takes 30 seconds for on use trinkets to become usable when swapping to them. This means you need to put (and any other active trinkets you have) on the pack before the boss. In order from top to bottom:(non crit versions)AoE TrinketsAoE trinkets differ depending on the type of aoe you are doing. Trinkets like, and are excellent at consistent AoE damage while others like, and are excellent AoE burst trinkets. Again, in order from top to bottom:(Mastery version)Relicsand are the best relics since they affect both ST and AoE while the rest specific only affect certain spells.RacialsRacials in M+ make a huge difference compared to its counterpart. Apart from DPS gains with races like Troll or Dwarf, the utility certain races provide make up for certain aspects Frost lacks in. The top 3 racials to have in M+ in terms of racials are:An AoE interrupt and blanket silence.

Incredibly strong at grouping caster mobs together and an additional interrupt in the rotation.A stun break can save yourself from an unfortunate deathShadowmeld can completely negate an entire mechanic if timed well.Dwarf's racial can also clear certain dots and provides additional damage reduction. From is one example of how strong the racial can be.Spells and CD UsageUnlike raiding, it is also important to track your cooldowns when you are not in combat. Knowing when and were to use is key to successfully completing those tighter timed runs.

Allows us to build very large on a target and then spread that damage to targets around the original nuke target. Not only does give us 100% crit chance, it also gives us 50% of our critical strike stat as Mastery.

Combined with a full set of mastery gear, that's close to 40% mastery! Because of the power built into, we want to get as many as possible out during the entire dungeon and on the right targets. We have some ways of lowering the cooldown of in and with the possibility of shaving off half of the original cooldown. In high keys this enables combustion in almost every single pack making it a very strong cooldown to deal with Priority Targets.vsmore damage on 4+ targets (2+ with ) than does.

However, like I have detailed previously in this guide, it is important to know when to use either spell. Even in groups of 6 mobs, killing one mob much quicker than the others is highly desirable. Alternatively, there may be a group of really small mobs which should die very fast to stop applications on your tank. Learning which mobs are the dangerous ones comes with practice (and the level of the key) but a general rule of thumb is, if you can't kite it, kill it first!Survival DPSand are king in m+. You are far more likely to be targeted by mechanics in smaller group content and knowing when to move is the most important part of dpsing. Staying alive is your #1 focus as your death contributes to 1/5 of the entire group compared to raidings 1/20.

Losing 1 second of dps while casting to survive the puddles on could very well save your life (and your healers sanity). Learning to take as little damage as possible while still doing the most dps is what really separates the best players from the rest. Doing top dps requires luck and class understanding, staying alive requires encounter knowledge, awareness, decision making and reaction time. Take time to learn the fights and then worry about doing the damage.Potion Usageusage is very important in higher keys.

You want to aim for every pull to be exactly 1min to be able to constantly pre pull before every pack. While not always possible, a sweet trick is to pop to drop combat temporarily to start the cooldown ticking again.Another thing most people forget, also adds an additional 200-300k HP on top of your max HP pool. Ever died to a mechanic by 10k overkill?

Potion got your back!It is sometimes worthwhile waiting the additional 10 seconds to be able to double pot in a fight then it is to rush through the dungeon. Like always, try to plan 1 - 2 mins ahead.Utility Spellsis the most important spell in the entire game. The more times you use this in a dungeon, the better the player you are. Use it as close to on cooldown as possible. When playing in organised groups, make sure to coordinate your interrupts so as not to use them all one 1 ability and leave nothing for the rest.As a mage we have A LOT of utility.

We have, (two with ), the slow from, and a ranged aoe disorientate/interrupt. Now you might ask, 'what's the point of Utility?' Well when the key level gets higher and higher you can't always pull an entire mob pack and burn through it. Sometimes you have to CC certain mobs to avoid the risk of wiping. This is where spells like and come in handy.healing via is very underrated. Being able to heal up to 20% of you maximum HP every 15 seconds is a cooldown in itself making your life and your healers life much easier.

Standing next to walls and blinking into them to effectively go nowhere is a great way to maximize the uptime of without detrimental effects on your dps. The relieved pressure from your healer can also allow them to dps longer, increasing the speed of the dungeon overall.Specifically, correct usage is crucial for high m+. CC'ing a mob completely out of combat until ready to be killed is highly valuable. Certain mobs such as with their and can easily wipe a group on a high level key.is also very useful in high m+. Mobs such as with their can do millions of damage onto an entire group if not stunned, disorientated, gripped or incapacitated. It is also a tricky spell to get used to, it's not an instant CC like or.Defensive Spellsis the Fire mage personal absorb shield. The weakest of the 3 specs but granting us increased physical damage reduction when it is active.

Since the recent patch which gave each spec their own personal shield, is a combination of our old (in one of it's past variations). To compensate for the damage reduction, the total absorb amount is reduced. While designed more towards pvp, it can still save you in many situations. Make sure to keep this spell on a good keybind as you should be using it whenever there is any down time or a big targeted boss ability is coming your way.is one of the best defensive spells in the game.

It ignores ALL damage (unless specifically coded to go through immunities) and is one of the most powerful aspects of mage as a whole enabling us to survive bosses which other classes simply die to.provides us a 2nd chance at life. While it is not clear at first which abilties you are able to proc on, it can still be used as a pseudo defensive cooldown. It's a very good idea to tell your healer when you are about to since you will require a lot of healing once it procs.Tips and TricksHere are some tips and tricks that can either improve QoL or even provide big DPS increases that you might not have known about.SpellstealThe biggest tip I can give you in M+ is keybind it is in my opinion one of the most useful aspects of being a mage in M+. There is a huge range of mob abilities that can be spellstolen as well as purged, here's some of the most notable:. BRH:. ARC:.

ARC: This one is cast on the Chaosbringers' target gotta watch for it!. COS:. HOV:. MAW:Has a high chance to deflect spells (even spellsteal) so successfully purging is very rng.

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock for Xbox 360.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page,. Guitar hero 3 cheats xbox 360. The Xbox 360 version of Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock has cheats codes that will improve your score and accuracy, but you'll have to earn five stars on every song without cheating if you want to unlock all achievements.

Better than getting your deflected though.The best way to keep an eye out for these buffs is to either download an addon that displays the spellstealable buffs clearly or through Elvui, which gives an option to highlight spellstealable buffs with a yellow border. There may be other ways to track it that I'm not aware of but I personally go about it through Elvui.Shimmer and Block NegationApart from there are plenty of innovative and cool ways to use our spell kit to either mitigate or negate entire mechanics.

Spells like and.can be used to:. Karazhan: can be avoided if you blink at the end of the cast while the bolt is traveling. HOV: can be avoided completely with a well timed blink. HOV: can also be avoided with blink but is a bit trickier than the others, you gotta watch where you blink! Don't wanna blink into someone who is also targeted.can be used to either clear harmful debuffs or immune a plethora of boss mechanics:. ARC: should be immuned! Its a huge AoE nuke.

VOTW: can be cleared by walking over multiple patches and blocking the debuff off. BRH: can be immuned if targeted onto you or you can save a teammate by ice blocking in its pathway. MAW: can be immuned to avoid spawning any adds on you. However, you must stay inside the until the cast is completely over or he will retarget/cast it again on you.If you haven't noticed yet mechanics that can be avoided by tend to be mechanics that include a travel time. While mechanics that can be avoided with tend to be big one-shot mechanics that can either target you or another player.Gear SwappingGear swapping is a HUGE part of optimizing M+ performance. Building multiple gear sets should be part of every m+ players repertoire.There's two ways to get comfortable with gear swapping.

One, is to use the in game gear manager then binding the gear set to a key or clicking the set on a bar while the second uses a specific addon called Opie. The addon page can explain it in full, but it basically uses one keybind to give you a radial dial which you can add multiple buttons to and using a mouse hover to select the one you want.-linkOne thing to note when it comes to gear swapping is that on-use trinkets will go on a 30 sec CD timer even if it is already 'off CD'. So if you're using something like or make sure you give yourself enough time before its use.-hot tip: use to gear swap even in combat!Weakaurasis an addon which lets you customise almost everything. It is the single most powerful addon ever created. We will be using it primarily to display cooldowns, track usables and monitor important information. There is even an entire dedicated to sharing weakauras and even a channel with incredibly helpful people giving advice on the tiny specifics or custom coding.The 2 most important weakauras for every class in m+ are:Tracking the groups cooldowns is integral to good communication and coordination. Learn to look at them frequently.No excuse to not use Weakauras.

Hi i would like to know 2 thingsWith how many targets i start using Flamestrike instead of Pyroblast? And how does that change when i use Flam Patch?What kind of talents and gear do you use on tyrannical weeks?Do you still play with Kindling and Pyrotex glovess?Thanks in advancedI can't remember exactly but maths wise Flamestrike on 4+ and with flame patch, 2+. I don't really see m+ as 'how can I do the most overall dps' but more 'what is the best use of this gcd'.I use RoP + Kindling on everything now with Helm + belt for trash and bracers + belt for bosses. I only switch to gloves when I can get combustions off on practically every pack (which is roughly 25+).

I run crit mastery gear for trash and my normal haste/vers + crit gear for bosses similar to raids.

7 Mages Walkthrough Guide
1. pick up skull
2. put skull on the platform
3. do not forget press button to open secret door
1. Put some weight on first platform
2. Step on second platform - as first platform is weighted it does not open trap again
3. Pull the lever to open first grate in central room.
4. Do not forget collet things behind secret door (the button is on the opposite wall
5. Push tombs (just make a step into the tomb) in order to close trap doors in the floor near (6).
6. By pushing tombs you need to make a way to hidden button first (on the wall near number 6). Then you need to go through secret way, open another secret door at the end and push third tomb. As last step make a way on the other side in room with trap doors.
7. Pull the lever to open second grate in central room.
8. Do not forget to open secret door and collect new battle maneuver.
9. Make two steps inside trap hallway (with moving spiky wall). Then tap five times anywhere on graves and make last step.
10. Return back and in the niche behind moving wall find another hidden button. This one opens way to stairs down.
1. Drop all tour weapon (shields too) and step in front of this door.
2. Get broken coffin.
3. Put broken coffin on the hole in the bridge.
4. Divide party (sliding his portrait to the right). Send one to elevator and pull the lever with another one. Switch to upper party member, get out the elevator and send empty elevator down. Switch to lower party member, move him to the elevator and switch back. Call elevator up.
After crypt go to the swamp. Yes, I know you can go to the ship or any other level that is already opened but.. simply go to the swamps.
1. make first step into swamp then tap on liana.
2. grab two poles
3. knock down the tree (juts make a step into it)
4. pick up third pole
5. Use three poles on tree with three holes.
6. Cut (three times) hollow tree and step into the teleport.
7. Grab two blu stones
8. There is a sidewalk drowned under the water surface. Carefully, step by step (test and back or forward) find a way through it.
9. Shoot crows down (like with fireballs)
10. Make the skull looking to the gate (just tap on it)
11. Pick two lily leafs and put them on the water. Count your steps, lily leafs get dry very quickly. Use lily leafs in order you picked them.
12. Insert two blue stones into corps eyeholes. Split up tour party and open first gate (turn this dead-man-goes-around by one quarter). Send one party member to the first gate, switch to second one and turn carousel again.
Slave ship
Before you get onboard buy some food (or looter music) and/or some potions. You can't go out the ship until you finish it.
1. On 3rd lower deck damage keel (by sword for example). It free main hero on 1st deck.
2. Kill halfgiant, pick up one-key, open floor door and throw the key down. Down the 3rd deck pick this key and free yourself with it.
3. Pick up the mattress and put it under the hole. Then jump with main hero down and reunite your party.
4. Kill slaver and pick up tar (and a two-keys). Fix the hole you made with tar (otherwise safety door on 3rd deck will not open).
If you can't pass next one-key door then stand on the call-point and use slavers horn on yourself to call another half giants (kill them and grab the keys).
5. With two-keys open the grate.
6. Pull the chain.
7. Pick up the lever.
9. Repair elevator mechanism and with same system as in the crypt get your party to captain's cabin.
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