Star Wars Galaxies Mmo


When Star Wars Galaxies first released in 2003, it did so under the tagline “Live in the Star Wars Universe.” A simple slogan that could initially be read in a number of ways, but one that turned out to be diametrically opposed to the rest of the Star Wars game library over the title’s lifetime. In Star Wars Galaxies you can fight alongside Han Solo and Chewbacca, smuggle goods for Jabba the Hutt, defend Imperial stations from the ravages of the Rebels, create your own player city, put yourself in the pilot seat of your favorite Star Wars ship, and more.

' Experience the greatest saga ever told.yours.' ― Star Wars Galaxies tagline srcStar Wars Galaxies (often abbreviated SWG) was a –themed developed by (SOE) and published by for. The base game, titled Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, was released on, in the United States of America, 2003 in Europe, in Japan, and in in Australia. The base game was upgraded with three major expansions since. In addition to the initial cost of the game software, SOE charged a monthly subscription fee (like most other MMORPGs) of $14.99 (11.15, 9.49), with discounts for 3-, 6-, and 12-month subscriptions. On, Sony announced that Galaxies would be shut down on of that year.

Contents Development and releaseThe official seventh-anniversary logo for the game. While the game made it past its eighth anniversary, this was the last one used.The logo used for the Japanese localizationOn, announced a partnership with and (SOE) to create the first massively multiplayer Star Wars online role-playing game. The then-unnamed game would be developed by Verant with online play supported by SOE. This was the same team that created and supported the popular massively multiplayer online game. LucasArts would be responsible for all distribution of the Star Wars online game. The announcement included an expected release date sometime in and that the game would take place during the classic trilogy Star Wars era.LucasArts officially announced the brand name of the game to be Star Wars Galaxies on, 2000.

The announcement claimed the first round of testing for Star Wars Galaxies was expected to start in late 2001, which would push back the official release date to an unknown time. The game's official information site was launched on, 2000 in conjunction with SOE and featured frequently asked questions about the game and message boards fielded by members of the development team. ' We see this Web site as an important step toward building a strong community for the Star Wars Galaxies line of games. We firmly believe that consistent and open communication with fans will be one of the keys to the success of the Star Wars Galaxies experience.' ―Simon Jeffery, president of LucasArtsOn, 2001, even before the game went into public, the first expansion's development was announced. The yet-unnamed add-on, which was expected to be available six months after the initial product release, would be a space simulation and enable players to own and fly starships which would allow interplanetary travel and space combat.

The release date of the initial product, the ground-based component, was updated to the second half of. The staggered release schedule of the space component of the Star Wars Galaxies series was said to benefit players because they would have time to establish their characters and explore different elements of the core game before adding the space layer. Traveling between planets would be accomplished through the use of public shuttles, which would ferry characters from world to world.

A new official site launched on the same day, which placed more of an emphasis on the community of the game. It included new screen shots, movies, an updated FAQ, concept art, development team members' profiles, features about the game, and a new forum. The site reached 100,000 users by December 2001.

Throughout the next year after the release of the site, new content would be revealed. This content included information on species and locations, new images and movies of different game elements, and 360-degree panoramas of different locations. In May 2002, Verant began accepting applications from users who were interested in participating in a closed beta test for Galaxies.

The closed beta test would begin in July 2002. SOE would share more information on the game as the beta moved forward. This would include more screen shots, information on match making services, the fact that players would be permitted only one character per server, and skill trees and how the skill-based system would function. LucasArts also announced on, 2002 that both the and would get a version of the game, but these would later be cancelled. The year 2002 ended with LucasArts officially confirming a release date of, 2003. They also announced on, 2002 that the ground-based component of Star Wars Galaxies would be called An Empire Divided and that the game's online community had grown to over 400,000 users since its original release in November 2000. This represented one of the largest ever fan communities amassed for any game prior to retail availability.An Empire Divided would later be delayed to an unknown time, but on, 2003, LucasArts confirmed that Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided would be released on.With a Star Wars license and veteran designer at the helm, expectations among gamers ran high during the development of Galaxies.

Many industry professionals expected that these forces would push the subscription numbers past the one million mark. As development wore on, the release date was pushed back, features were cut, and Sony canceled planned ports for the Xbox and PlayStation 2. The base game, An Empire Divided, was released in the United States on June 26, 2003 to mixed reviews. Galaxies was most criticized for numerous bugs and broken features that plagued the game. After release, the developers continued working on the features cut during the delay.

In November 2003, two of those most anticipated features, creature mounts and player-created cities were enabled. Also, on, 2003 it was announced that the first player had unlocked a -sensitive character slot needed to become a. On November 7, 2003, An Empire Divided was released in Europe. A localized version for the Japanese market was published by Electronic Arts Japan on December 23, 2004. However, Japanese acceptance of the game was low, and in November the servers were shut down and existing accounts migrated to US servers.

Story and settingA small town on TatooineStar Wars Galaxies did not begin with any sort of overarching story. Originally, as the original opening crawl states, after character creation, the player started out on an Imperial after being captured on a passenger ship suspected of illegal activity. After being cleared of any wrongdoing, the player was instructed to make their way through the ship towards the shuttle bay.

Along the way, various obstacles were used to educate the player in the basics of game play. After reaching the shuttle bay, the player was allowed to choose a starting planet, then city. The planetary choices were,. A majority of the already established cities on the planet of choice could be chosen as a starting point, such as,. After choosing, they were loaded up into their city of choice on the planet with nothing but a green and yellow, a limited-use and no real direction on what to do next.After the release of the New Game Enhancements in late 2005, however, story elements became more important to the development of your character. The introductory sequence was changed. This time the player started out on an.

The player was quickly contacted by, who familiarized the player with the basics of the controls, and informed them that would arrive shortly to rescue them. Han, and arrived and escorted the player to the hangar bay, where they were attacked by three. After killing the troopers, Han, the player and crew boarded the and escaped the exploding station, with giving chase. The next sequence was meant to familiarize the player with the space-combat game play. The player commanded one of the Falcon's turrets and destroyed several TIE fighters, after which the Millennium Falcon to.

After arriving on the station, the player was free to complete several story-driven quests on their quest for and experience (the player had to reach level 5 before they could leave the station). Once the player was sufficiently experienced, the player had to aid Han Solo in repairing the Falcon. Upon doing so, Han Solo dropped the player off in front of the spaceport in Mos Eisley on Tatooine.

Before leaving, Han Solo set them up with a speeder, and a contact in Mos Eisley. This led the player to working for Jabba the Hutt, first through, then directly from. Further quests in this overarching chain (known collectively as the Legacy quests) took the player to other planets, including Naboo, Corellia, and Talus.

Strong throwers will see only the smallest turnover at high speeds or into headwinds. Flight ChartThe Dimension is part of an extremely fast and demanding speed class and has a power-resistant stability profile. With its ultra fast speed and glide-promoting dome, the Dimension’s reliable fade helps pinpoint your target from a great distance. Average throwers will get all the overstability they desire from this speed class in the Dimension. Dimension drive.

All throughout this quest chain, the player met many familiar faces from Star Wars lore, including, and, just to name a few.Opening crawlsFrom its release in June of 2003 until November of 2005, Star Wars Galaxies used an opening crawl much like the movies as an introduction during character creation. After the release of the New Game Enhancements in November of 2005, a slightly updated opening crawl was used. OriginalSTAR WARS GALAXIESAn Empire DividedIt is the height of the Galactic Civil War.Although the Rebel Alliance has destroyedthe dreaded Death Star, the Emperor stillholds thousands of systems in his grip.Throughout the galaxy, brave adventurersstruggle to restore peace, while smugglers,bounty hunters and crime lords prosperamid the chaos.Meanwhile, in the Outer Rim of the galaxy,one of Darth Vader's Imperial-class StarDestroyers has captured a passenger freighteron suspicion of harboring criminals. RevisedSTAR WARS GALAXIESAn Empire DividedIt is the height of the Galactic Civil War.Although the Rebel Alliance has destroyedthe dreaded Death Star, the Emperor stillholds thousands of systems in his grip.Throughout the galaxy, civil war rages.Innocents and heroes alike are sweptinto the conflict. The fate of millionsshifts with every battle.On a distant Imperial Space Station,a smaller battle erupts over the fateof a single being's destiny.yours.Story arcs. Cries of Alderaan.

Secrets of the Syren. Rebel Theme Park. Imperial Theme Park. Legacy. Death Troopers.

Nym's Theme ParkTimelineAccording to the opening crawl of the game, Star Wars Galaxies was set sometime after. Meanwhile, the existence of certain characters and quests indicated that the game was set before the events of.appeared in the game, and is established to have died in.

This seemingly implies that Star Wars Galaxies was set very shortly after the Battle of Yavin. However, another character named clearly mentioned that the destruction of the Death Star occurred a year earlier, suggesting a timeline closer to. Furthermore, Darth Vader just learns that it was his son, Luke Skywalker, who destroyed the Death Star, a revelation which is said to have occurred around.

Cryptic mentions were made in the game about the existence of Echo Base on Hoth. Han Solo's appearance on Lok proves that the game was set before the events of 3 ABY, when he became encased in carbonite.

This means certain portions of the game took place immediately after the Battle of Yavin in 0 ABY, some immediately before the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY, and some in between, making a concrete date impossible to determine for the game as a whole.With Chapter 11 in November, the developers added the Battle of Hoth to the game. However, the developers were quite clear that this did not advance the timeline. It was only intended to be a completely isolated 'Star Wars Moment' to give players the opportunity to participate in the iconic movie event without any effect on continuity for the rest of of the game. During the final day of the game on December 15, 2011, the developers depicted the second Death Star over Endor, and included a bunker on the moon where Imperial and Rebel players could fight each other. Not long before the servers were terminated, the second Death Star was shown being destroyed in the sky.

This indicates that at least the final day of the game tenuously took place in; however, characters like Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine could still be visited after the Death Star's destruction.Planets and explorable areasAn example of the lush environment in GalaxiesThe original basic 'game world' consisted of ten simulated planetary surfaces and associated structures. The twelve different planets were taken from the Star Wars films and the:, the. The game's first expansion, added explorable space sectors for every original planet.

Two additional space sectors were also included, Deep Space and the sector. The chapter 8 update also added the.

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Wednesday -Also did I mention we have a server? I have been arguing with my friend about the viability of a SWG remake.I think the market would be there because everyone is tired of reskinned WoW theme park clones.SWG nailed some key aspects and failed on others.Nailed1. Profession choices that were changeable but with limitations. You can do and be anything.Killing some mobs, crafting some items and choosing few skills isnt anything.Star Wars Galaxies is the greatest sandbox mmorpg everIt would need to be an actual game for that, not rushed tech-demo, full of macro-AFKers and solo-groups.Is there anything likeStar Wars Galaxies for the future? Can we make it 'alive' again? I can't believe they don't make anything like that now?!SWGEMU cannot attract even many SWG fans, why would somebody make another game like that?.