Star Trek Online Forums


Good and lengthy ST fics are quite a rare thing, but they exist.: Two officers, believed killed in action, are stranded on a prewarp planet and must work together to survive while the rest of the NX-01 crew learn to carry on without them. AU season 2, Very TnT.195k words and counting. While chapters are generally short, the writing is strong, characterization spot on. The story jumps POV between characters every chapter, and alternates between following Enterprise and a stranded Trip and T'Pol - trying to survive on a hostile planet in the middle of a world war. It will also satisfy the tech savvy on occasion and it stays within the realms established by ST:Ent - though with an improvement here and there.- This is a story of the Romulan war based on the Star Fleet museum website. You can view the types of spaceships on that site.

I've used characters from Enterprise but the story departs that storyline.967k words and completed. Well written and tweaks tech into a more raw primitive feel that I feel ST:Ent missed the ball on. Only crit I do have is the way nukes in ship-to-ship combat is treated here - but if you can ignore it the battles are nevertheless exciting to read. There's a lot of espionage, intrigue, politcs, tension - and the Romulan Vulcan connection is the proper flashpoint its supposed to be.

Resistance is futile, the voice of the Collective thundered.' Yeah,' Kira responded under her breath. 'Don't I know it.' Under different circumstances, the other soldiers might've looked askance at the minor breach of discipline; currently, however, their attention was emphatically elsewhere.

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Louder, she ordered, 'Prepare to open fire on my mark.' The weapons officer saluted, fist to chest.

'Yes, Gul Kira.' Something deep inside her screamed protests at the title. Not five years ago, a gul would have been the enemy-someone she would murder in his sleep if necessary, and kill without the slightest compunction in battle. The collapse of the Federation, though, had utterly turned her world upside down.

Star Trek Online puts you in the captain’s chair of your own adventure in the Star Trek universe. You’ll be able to lead your ship and crew on adventures in space and on the ground in this ever expanding, completely Free-to-Play online universe.Key Features:100% Free to Play: Free to download, free to play, no hidden pay walls, and all of our content updates are totally free.Intrigue in the Final Frontier: We have a rich story line that unfolds over 125 episodes that feature friends and foes from every part of the Star Trek universe.Celebrity Involvement: Star Trek Online features over 15 actors spanning every series of Star Trek. You’ll have the opportunity to party up with Worf, Seven of Nine, Tuvok, Harry Kim, and many many more.Choose your Faction: Explore with the Federation, Fight for Honor with the Klingon Empire, or rebuild your species with the Romulan Republic, the choice is up to you!Show More. Graphics and gameplay take me back to 1998.I starting playing games on the Coleco Adam Computer in 1979 however so I don't mind a bit about that. Rugby league live 3 pc download. It is very fun. I simply cannot stop playing. It is a blast!

Kinda takes me back to the good days.I haven't spent a dime yet and don't think I will have too. Learn how to mine and you won't have to either.👌 I very seldom give a game 5 stars. I can't give this game 5 either. But, 4 stars from me. Give it a try you will for sure have lots of fun.👍. Cryptic has poor customer service.I bought the Lifetime sub for 250$, it didnt work.

After putting in a ticket and waiting 5 days they sent me a email calling me a liar.They refused to fix the issue.So now I have a 250$ Pack that does not work, I got NOTHING from it that was promised.They have no working Phone Number and from Phone I cant seem to reach a Support Chat.Game is full of bugs and the Devs refuse to fix them. People report bugs on the forums in the bug section that they seem to ignore.Buy stuff from their ingame store at your own risk. Submitted on 2/27/2019 Review title of MefitHorrible Customer Support and Thieving CompanyCryptic has poor customer service.I bought the Lifetime sub for 250$, it didnt work. After putting in a ticket and waiting 5 days they sent me a email calling me a liar.They refused to fix the issue.So now I have a 250$ Pack that does not work, I got NOTHING from it that was promised.They have no working Phone Number and from Phone I cant seem to reach a Support Chat.Game is full of bugs and the Devs refuse to fix them. People report bugs on the forums in the bug section that they seem to ignore.Buy stuff from their ingame store at your own risk.

Submitted on 9/18/2018 Review title of Rhino KombatIt's STAR TREK! I wanted to like it.Do NOT spend any money on this game.until you've hit lv60.

Enjoy all the stories and play all the adventures you can, drink it all in until you reach the point where you just can't beat anything anymore. At that point you've got a choice to make. Stick around and really dive into the mind breakingly massive inner workings and interconnected pieces that must be fit together in a certain way or your starship will be blown up over and over again in missions that the Elite will laugh tauntingly at you while calling you a noob over (yes they will, check reddit).Or, uninstall the game and be satisfied in the knowledge that you played about 1/4 of a really good Star Trek game, and that you will never get to experience the other three quarters because this game was not built for you, gentle casual gamer. Only those willing to waste their time and their energy learning everything there is to know about starship mechanics will be able to progress any further from here. Submitted on 9/19/2018 Review title of GreatColt706685Replace Kahn with Que'sLove the game,sadly, not what it used to be.Broken que system has killed the community. Transwarp menu options disappear without reason,while others simply never worked.

On and on with the issues,while the prices that are charged feel like a slap in the face with how the game is supported. Needs a refresh and committed support. Discovery launch will be sink or swim for the game. I only hope there will be a big enough player base to make the game worth playing. Submitted on 12/2/2018 Review title of Inflicted FivelSTO & ARC/PWE are FALSELY ADVERTISING.When I made (bought) a purchase of a few items & a ship pack. I found out that all of the items I purchased & claimed were NOT what I got. When I noticed the discrepancys, I found out 2+ months later that they (Perfect World Entertainment/ARC) said this is 'intentional' & they are aware of the false advertising items they sell.

I have the proof, emails & a audo recording. They will NOT correct their mistakes & will continue to falsely sell things!(2.5 years later & they STILL HAVE NOT made any corrections!) Gamers BEWARE.

If YOU ARE going to make ANY purchases from the STO (C-Store) store, purchase at your own risk! ANYTHING you buy from STO is NOT a 'guaranteed' purchase. So if you buy something & then claim it, YOU ARE making a blind purchase & you may or may not get what you bought!

STO & ARC/PWE. WILL NOT refund you nor will they correct their false advertisement sales mistakes!

The BBB needs to be contacted!.1 DEC 18-we are now in whats called 'The Rigged to cheat phase'! Submitted on Review title of Moonraker 401stFor Star Trek fans its either this or nothingI wish i had the time & patience to explain all the little things that bring this game down, but i don't. Instead I will say that at it's core, it can be both repetitive & greedy. Single player missions have you fly your ship to a location to fight enemies in a space battle, then go to another location as your character & fight enemies on ground, then back to space for a boss fight. End game content involves you preforming the same handful of repeatable missions so you can earn currency to buy in-game items for yourself or your guild. The greed I mentioned comes from loot boxes which are locked. You pay for keys to open them.

You only get 2 items per box; 1 of which is just a set of another type of currency, the other could be anything but is usually a pack of crafting matterials. You can play the game comfortably for free up untill you hit level 50, after that you have to pay for a high level ship or a upgrade for your free ship, otherwise life will be very hard for you. Submitted on 4/11/2019 Review title of PeneGuillermoA bad Ferengi run Star Trek themed mobile game.This game sucks, it is trash, and I hate it, and PWE, and Cryptic equally. As a longtime fan of Star Trek it can not be stated just how terrible this game is.

It has no exploration mechanics or discovery whatsoever. It used to, but morons QQ'd about the nebulas and got them removed.

Want to know where this game fails? Go play The Old Republic. I'd give anything to have a Star Trek game that has a tenth of that games content and vision.

These developers are clueless hacks that waste the money they make on crappy lockboxes getting overprices voice actors from the television show. Just what I wanted.

Not content, an apartment on DS9, functional ship interiors, endless exploration and discovery. I wanted to hear Odo again.

This game really sucks. They have Star Trek fans over a barrel since this is the only Star Trek experience and the only reason I play. The customer service is also terrible. Stay away from this game, pay them not. Warframe is more Trek.