San Francisco Rush 2049 Arcade Dimensions


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San Francisco Rush 2049 Atari San Francisco Rush 2049 Manual.

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This is an excellent example of what can be done to a handheld version of a popular home system title when you have talented people involved. SF Rush 2049 does have one fatal flaw-but I'll get to that later. First, let me give some specifics about the good stuff. On a superficial level, I really enjoyed the weird German techno soundtrack, and subtle but effective use of voice. The Al is well-balanced and often provides a challenge, although it doesn't seem affected by obstacles like oil slicks. In addition, the RC Pro Am style of play and tight digital control feels just right, even around the corners and through shortcuts (and you'll have to find those shortcuts if you don't want to be majorly frustrated in each race). The course design is excellent but the graphics are all too similar. So what about this major flaw? Well, the game's too short--you can finish it in about an hour. If the main mode was more meaty, the Time Attack mode actually contributed to the overall experience somehow, or it had a two-player link mode it would have helped immensely.