Kaneva Shop


I got to reading a review of Kaneva and it got critical of anyone who referred to it as Second Life light.The point is that Kaneva aims at being a mirror of the real world where as Second Life is more embracing it's virtual world.That however makes Kaneva even more SL light.Kaneva attempts to cut off the flaws of Second Life. Greafing, Gender swapping, extrema stability issues, Major costs in running Second Life and a deep learning curve.There is no doubt Second Life has problems.

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After being on Second Life for a number of months and joining Kaneva to get my virtual world fix you can appreciate that Kaneva has fixed MOST of those issues. At the cost of creating new ones.You make money in Kaneva by participating in the stress tests. On Second Life the 'Beta grid' is used to test the service but it never ever has enough load to properly test it. The Beta grid is stable in spite of the fact that the server is running a test version of the software. The beta never has the proper load to re-produce the problems that happen in the main grid.Kaneva is all beta right now there is no 'main'. The stress test crashes the servers a f-ing lot. It's worth going through that because your getting in world credits for your work.After two tests I had enough credits to buy an upgrade to my home.Kaneva attempts to reduce the learning curve, prevent greafing and maintain a certain level of reality by not providing the building tools found in Second Life.Nothing.The avatar creation system is more basic and that's a bonus for new users and the content can only be obtained from the mall so you can't build a time machine or a car.The seems nice but when I go to obtain the same cloths I wear in real life it's not there.

Some basic goth wear, some basic clubbing. Also it's flaky. I put on the leather jacket and my shirt comes off. I can't wear a shirt and jacket at the same time. Realistic?Every place you go in Kaneva screams 'Your in a crappy virtual world'. Second Life often screams 'You are in a virtual world' and in Kaneva's effort to make it more realistic they made it less realistic.The beach I visit is a hack.

It's a meeting hall modified into a beach.Kaneva got a few things right.Homes don't interact. In Second Life when I first set up my lab some jerk started shooting me from a near by property. We couldn't shoot him because that property had damage turned off while we had damage turned on.It was annoying.In Kaneva if your not in my home you can't even SEE me. Nothing and I mean nothing you do can even touch me. If you screw with me I can ban you from my home and you can't do anything from a property next to me because each home is it's own map.


There isn't anything connecting my home to anything else.If you shout you can only be heard in the property your in.Now of Kaneva permitted building (and I'd be happy if Kaneva dose add building tools) then I could build from my home and it wouldn't effect anybody.In Second Life I can build but we must be VERY careful when Aurora makes her bombs.There are a lot of things Kaneva dose right but the limitations outweigh the improvements. Point of fact that many limitations ARE the improvements.I talk much about the lack of building tools in Kaneva. I'd like it of Kaneva adds those tools however rumor is that Kaneva is ending the stress tests soon. About 90% of SLs crashes are due to the building tools and those flaws are only visible during a stress test.If Kaneva were to add building tools it would be necessary to go through a whole new set of stress tests.Also Kaneva sells building materials. Walls, floors, signs. Not even prims.

You can't connect them. You can only use them to modify your home. Space invaders extreme online.